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RCR August Board Meeting

RCR Board Meetings are open to the public. Public comment will be taken in the first 5-10 minutes of the meeting. Please RSVP in advance to so that we can plan for you and [...]

Token Tuesdays @ Mountain Tap Brewery!

Mountain Tap Brewery 910 Yampa St, Steamboat Springs, CO, United States

Good news, 🍺 lovers! You 🫵 can donate to RCR every Tuesday in August just by drinking beer! RCR is an August beneficiary for @mountaintapbrewery's Token Tuesdays! Each Tuesday in August, when you buy a beer [...]

Women’s Tech Tuesday – Chains

Howelsen Hill Outdoor Pavilion Steamboat Springs, CO, United States

Join RCR for a women’s-focused series where we learn the basics of on-trail bike maintenance! Tech Tuesdays will aim to provide technical support and knowledge to female-identifying mountain bikers. This 3-part series will start from [...]

Volunteer Trail Day: Buffalo Billy

Come help us fix the gate on Buffalo Billy on Buff Pass! We will meet at Dry Lake Trailhead at 8:30 AM to shuttle up to the top of Buffalo Billy. Wear/bring pants + closed-toed [...]

Token Tuesdays @ Mountain Tap Brewery!

Mountain Tap Brewery 910 Yampa St, Steamboat Springs, CO, United States

Good news, 🍺 lovers! You 🫵 can donate to RCR every Tuesday in August just by drinking beer! RCR is an August beneficiary for @mountaintapbrewery's Token Tuesdays! Each Tuesday in August, when you buy a beer [...]

SBTGRVL Expo Day 1

Get amped for the SBTGRVL race with the DAY 1 Expo on Yampa Street between 9th and 12th Street (Public Welcome!) Will include vendors, information, speakers and packet pick-up for racers.   More info here: [...]

SBTGRVL HLL CLMB @ Howelson Hill

Howelsen Hill Steamboat Springs

Cheer on racers in the HLL CLMB! Register/info here: "Starting at Howelsen Hill, a 5 minute walk across the river from the SBT Expo on Yampa Street, cyclists will park their bikes near the [...]

SBTGRVL FLM FST @ Howelson Hill

Howelsen Hill Steamboat Springs

Join SBTGRVL for a film night at Howelson Hill! More info here:

SBTGRVL Expo Day 2

Join us for the second day of SBTGRVL Expo on Yampa Street between 9th and 12th Street (Public Welcome!). Meet vendors, get info, listen to speakers and more! Full list of activities and information here:


It's the big day! Join us for all day festivities as we cheer on racers from Yampa Street! Schedule info can be found here: